Deformable phantoms of Chinese adults for personalized anatomy modelling
发布时间 : 2018-08-01 阅读次数 : 1639
主讲嘉宾:大连理工大学 副教授 王洪凯
时间:2018年08月23日 周四 上午10:00-11:30
地点: 深圳大学医学部A6-811
主持人: 倪东 教授
In recent years, there has been increasing demand for personalized anatomy modelling for medical and industrial applications, such as ergonomics device development, clinical radiological exposure simulation, biomechanics analysis, and 3D animation character design. We constructed deformable phantoms that can be deformed to match the personal anatomy of Chinese male and female adults. The phantoms were created based on a training set of hundreds of computed tomography (CT) images from normal Chinese subjects. Major torso organs were segmented from the CT images, and the statistical shape model (SSM) approach was used to learn the inter-subject anatomical variations. To match the personal anatomy, the phantoms were registered to individual body surface scans or medical images using the active shape model method. The constructed SSM demonstrated anatomical variations in body height, fat quantity, respiratory status, organ geometry, male muscle size, and female breast size. The masses of the deformed phantom organs were consistent with Chinese population organ mass ranges. To validate the performance of personal anatomy modelling, the phantoms were registered to the body surface scan and CT images. The registration accuracy measured from 22 test CT images showed a median Dice coefficient over 0.85, a median volume recovery coefficient (RCvlm) between [0.85, 1.1], and a median averaged surface distance (ASD) less than 1.5 mm. We hope these phantoms can serve as computational tools for personalized anatomy modelling for the research community.
王洪凯,大连理工大学副教授,2009年博士毕业于清华大学生物医学工程系,2009-2014年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校先后担任博士后和研究员,2014年在大连理工大学任教。主要研究方向为基于医学影像统计分析与建模,研究成果发表在Medical Image Analysis、IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging等领域内前沿期刊。历年来担任Nature Commutation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Medical Physics, Physics in Medicine and Biology等杂志审稿人。2014年当选中华医学会数字医学分会全国委员,2015年获得大连市青年科技之星奖励,2016年获得大连理工大学星海学者(星海优青)称号,回国4年间主持国家自然科学基金2项、省自然科学基金1项,市级科技项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育计划1项、科技部国家重点研发计划试点专项1项。
近年的科研成果包括两方面:构建了基于大量训练样本的中国成年人可变形统计图谱,以及基于大量样本的小鼠数字统计图谱。在中国人数字图谱的研究方面,基于上千例健康中国人PET/CT影像构建了中国成年人可变形统计图谱,拓展了中国数字人的研究方法和应用前景,所研发软件在国内多家医院开展初期试验。构建了世界首例基于大量训练样本的小鼠全身可变形图谱,参与开发了桌面式小动物分子影像系统,被美国Sofie Biosciences公司产品化销售到美、中、欧、日各国。
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